12 October 2010

portraits of the Laney

So, we go to this studio Saturday to get some pictures made and the photographers there are great, but crazy! they got some good shots, but we had ideas of what we wanted before we got there - and those didn't really get captured. Mom and Delane both went with us and we wanted some that did not show Laney's bare chest (I know she's a baby, but still), some of her sweet smile (since I can never get any), and some in her halloween outfit (since I think our rainbow bright ones are still adorable today). This is what we got (the proofs):

I saw a lot of bare-chested Laney and not a lot of smiles. But some were still very cute. I mean, we ordered some because, come on, who doesn't want a baby in a pumpkin on their coffee mug?! Still, we ended up taking some of our own once we got back home:

I love that smile!

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