30 October 2010

four months :)

So, I've noticed that I update around the same time Corrie does and realized Laney and Samuel were both born at the end of the month. Her four-month picture isn't all that different from her three-month... she can even still wear that same sweet outfit.
However, she has outgrown lying sideways in her pack-n-play...
And, I'd like to give props to the Hoersch family who gave us all these adorable hand-me-downs for Laney. Thanks!

Laney loves her Bumbo, and even though she isn't eating in it, I like to think she's getting some good vibes from it. She sits up so well with a prop - the bumbo is perfect for her right now. And the sleeper has pumpkins and candy corn on it... so cute.

She's started laughing a lot these days. She does it around Charlie, her daddy, and when I tickle her.

Laney and Asher becoming best buds...

1 comment:

  1. I love that age. She has totally grown since last month!! You can really see it in that picture of her in the pack-n-play. (Glad to see she is enjoying her pink puppy!) And I love the Halloween sleeper!
