30 October 2010

four months :)

So, I've noticed that I update around the same time Corrie does and realized Laney and Samuel were both born at the end of the month. Her four-month picture isn't all that different from her three-month... she can even still wear that same sweet outfit.
However, she has outgrown lying sideways in her pack-n-play...
And, I'd like to give props to the Hoersch family who gave us all these adorable hand-me-downs for Laney. Thanks!

Laney loves her Bumbo, and even though she isn't eating in it, I like to think she's getting some good vibes from it. She sits up so well with a prop - the bumbo is perfect for her right now. And the sleeper has pumpkins and candy corn on it... so cute.

She's started laughing a lot these days. She does it around Charlie, her daddy, and when I tickle her.

Laney and Asher becoming best buds...

17 October 2010

Barak vs. Charlie...with Laney's commentary.

Laney Loves her daddy!

... and her mommy.

Propping herself on her elbows - almost rolling over, but not yet.

We were walking around the yard with Charlie and ended up on the front porch. Laney and I were swinging and she just busted out laughing when Charlie would walk around. Barak went to get the camera and started playing with him and she thought it was hilarious! So precious - glad we caught it.

12 October 2010

portraits of the Laney

So, we go to this studio Saturday to get some pictures made and the photographers there are great, but crazy! they got some good shots, but we had ideas of what we wanted before we got there - and those didn't really get captured. Mom and Delane both went with us and we wanted some that did not show Laney's bare chest (I know she's a baby, but still), some of her sweet smile (since I can never get any), and some in her halloween outfit (since I think our rainbow bright ones are still adorable today). This is what we got (the proofs):

I saw a lot of bare-chested Laney and not a lot of smiles. But some were still very cute. I mean, we ordered some because, come on, who doesn't want a baby in a pumpkin on their coffee mug?! Still, we ended up taking some of our own once we got back home:

I love that smile!

11 October 2010

Laney's Dedication

I promise we weren't the only ones there! no one likes to sit in the front, no matter how big the room...

It was such a great day! I loved how we were able to all get together.

05 October 2010

Autumn is here!

I love referring to the fall as "autumn" in North Carolina. It's so different than what we had growing up. The leaves are changing, the air is crisp and fresh, it's not cold, but definitely not hot... and we get to start having fires in the fireplace! Barak's grandparents gave us their wood stove, so we get the heat - lots of heat - without the smoke and fire hazard. I love it. It's so cozy.

I also kept Laney in her warm pj's for most of the day to keep her warm I added a hat and socks - super cute in an unfashionable way.

She is captivated by the computer and tv. It's so cute right now.

04 October 2010

what it's all about

So, again, I need to remind you, my readers, that this blog is all about how awesomely incredible Barak is - to me and Laney and, well, the whole world. I would like to thank him publicly, in front of the whole wide world on the web internet, for giving me the opportunity to share in Colossal Cookie Monday!

Everything from m&m, oatmeal raisin and chocolate chip to pumpkin-shaped shortbread, chocolate with nuts, and toffee... he even threw in some fudge brownies and sweet bagels. Basically, the best Monday I've ever had.

This was all after our very sad Saturday when he replaced the washing machine! The old one was quite old, probably put in when the house was built 30 years ago. I love it when Barak gets all handy around the house - super impressive. Here's a shot of him drilling and being all manly.