"Baby Merdif" is one month away from turning into "Merdif," and she is ready! She still doesn't walk on her own, but loves to hold on to your hand and say, "daak dak," for "waaalk walk."
We are slowly making the transition to table food, and she's getting faster at chewable food. She takes three 4 oz pumped bottles a day with a little formula for good measure.
She still loves baby dolls and dancing, music, and whatever laney and Caroline are up to. She takes two naps, and sleeps about 12 hr nights (8:30-8). She has started climbing a lot in the past few days, which means we need to use baby gates more!
The girls were playing inside on a rainy day, and we're being so nice! Until Laney realized she was having to share her bed :) here's a link to a video:
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