05 July 2014

Meredith 10 months

Our chicks all grew up, but we were down to four by the time Meredith turned 10 months. 

clanging blocks and baby food lids together

 Meredith crawls, walks around holding on to furniture, or your hands, and uses the baby walker outside. She eats table food, but its so much faster to give her baby food from a jar. She dances or rocks anytime she hears music or someone singing. It's hard to get her to go to someone else if I'm around, and she's started not wanting to be rocked to sleep anymore.

Meredith still loves blocks and bubbles and anything she can chew on. She has 6 full teeth and a couple more are coming through. She loves giving kisses to baby dolls and "helping" her sisters play with their toys.

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