28 July 2014

Swing set and West visit

The girls were super excited to see Nana and Papaw. Laney loves I Spy books, and they sent a Frozen themed one earlier in the week.

Meredith has started to make a habit of pulling on your face and "screaming." It's an added bonus for her if you have earrings.

They brought a few toys during the visit, too.

Jesse and Alicia brought Lincoln, who laughed hardily at Papaw. Alicia said it was extra precious since it takes a lot to get him laughing. 

We celebrated Nana's birthday with a cake AND cupcakes. 

Papaw  and Caroline sharing a story.

Cousin Nathan rode with Nana and Papaw and stayed the weekend, too. He and Jesse and Barak built the girls' swing set.

It's perfect. The girls love it and, so far, can't get enough of it.

The girls are even learning to swing themselves.

27 July 2014

Laney reading

Laney read to Nana while she was here. It's only been about a week since she started doing it on her own. I am so super proud of her!

23 July 2014

Visit from Papa and Deedee

 Mom and Dad finally got some time with us, after a week with the Brownings going to see them, and a few days in KY with the Kiels. Our girls love Papa and Deedee, and we hate it takes 10 hours (at least) to see each other. However, the time was sweet and we had a lot of fun.

 Caroline LOVES swinging. Papa won her heart by helping her "swing higher."

"I'm ready to go to the biscuit store. Where are my keys?"

22 July 2014

Meredith 11months

"Baby Merdif" is one month away from turning into "Merdif," and she is ready! She still doesn't walk on her own, but loves to hold on to your hand and say, "daak dak," for "waaalk walk." 

We are slowly making the transition to table food, and she's getting faster at chewable food. She takes three 4 oz pumped bottles a day with a little formula for good measure.

She still loves baby dolls and dancing, music, and whatever laney and Caroline are up to. She takes two naps, and sleeps about 12 hr nights (8:30-8). She has started climbing a lot in the past few days, which means we need to use baby gates more!

The girls were playing inside on a rainy day, and we're being so nice! Until Laney realized she was having to share her bed :) here's a link to a video:

12 July 2014

Smith Mountain Lake

 We traveled only 3 1/2 hours to a 3 bedroom condo in Virginia  for Laney's best birthday ever. The pool had kiddy pools, a large hot tub for chilly mornings, and two slides she loved watching other kids use to splash in the water.

 Nana and Papaw stayed with us, and gave us a relaxing time of not being out-numbered by our children.

 The lake was only a few steps away from the pool, and had a beach. The girls called it the beach, but it was better because it was never crowded, and the water was always calm and warm.

Laney's favorite game was "push the adult in the water." She got super excited each time she did it :)

05 July 2014

Laney is 4

 Laney has surprised me the most in how much she has grown. I catch glimpses of me in a window or mirror the few times I pick her up and hold her, and she is so big! Her teachers at preschool love her and tell me how exceptional she is all the time.

 This is the field behind our house, on the other side of our property line. Barak takes her back there for good quality time. She loves flowers and picking them to bring back home, so this is perfect. She tells us she is growing a garden and the flowers need to go back to their mother once she gets them in the backyard. Then she lines them up and we put them in a vase. She's in her element whenever she is outside.
Her absolute favorite thing to do is play in the rain water, or what she calls the "pond," in our driveway. She will run back and forth through the water for as long as I let her stay outside.

 We try to go to the park at least once a week in the morning, before it gets too hot. There's a lot of equipment there that is perfect for their age, and hardly ever anyone else there. It's always shaded and the girls can slide and climb without my help. Meredith is usually content to watch them from the stroller, so it's a good relaxing time for all of us.

 This was the birthday cake Caroline made for Caroline. "Wook, Waney, it's your birfday cake! Happy Birfday to yooouuuu!"

 Nana and Deedee both got Laney the exact same dollhouse for her birthday, and she loves it! We exchanged Deedee's for a purple princess dress that she loves just as much.

 Barak and I took the girls to Smith Mountain Lake in VA for Laney's "present." She loves the beach and the pool. The lake had a beach area and no giant waves (that the ocean has). It was a great time, and we hope to go back as much as possible.

 Laney giggles when she can play chase in any form, loves to run, and play with other kids. She is very thoughtful and sensitive. She likes to sing Daniel Tiger songs to help her calm down and know what to do when she's frustrated. She takes control of situations when she plays with Caroline, and even though it takes her a minute to warm up to a new situation, she leads well once she's comfortable. She shares well, and enjoys taking turns.

 Laney loves broccoli, spinach, and berries. She actually prefers them over french fries and chips. She's a great eater, and getting so independent. She can go potty and wash her hands all by herself, and can brush her teeth, even though I have to finish up for her. She gets dressed, undressed, and climbs in the tub without help. She knows some words, and can spell her name as well as her sisters' and many of her friends' names. She can trace letters, write a few free hand, and put real puzzles together that don't have a picture behind it to help. She can draw lines to pictures that match, and draw "people."

 Barak was working nights on Laney's actual birthday, so we went to the "cupcake store" after he woke up and spent some time there before he left for work. Later that day, David, Leah, Asher, and Annelise dropped by to say happy birthday, too :)

 We brought some cupcakes and special snacks to her preschool so she could have a party with her friends. Laney picked out her purple dress that she loves to wear that day. We got Caroline out of her class so she could eat some snacks too. She was pretty proud to be sitting by Asher.

 This is the best picture I could get of Laney and Noah. This little boy Laney describes as her "boy" and her teachers tell me they give each other kisses and hugs a lot. Watch out, Daddy, it's starting!

 Her teachers, Ms. Kelly and Ms. Lisa

She weighs 33 lbs, and measures 39 3/4 tall

Meredith 10 months

Our chicks all grew up, but we were down to four by the time Meredith turned 10 months. 

clanging blocks and baby food lids together

 Meredith crawls, walks around holding on to furniture, or your hands, and uses the baby walker outside. She eats table food, but its so much faster to give her baby food from a jar. She dances or rocks anytime she hears music or someone singing. It's hard to get her to go to someone else if I'm around, and she's started not wanting to be rocked to sleep anymore.

Meredith still loves blocks and bubbles and anything she can chew on. She has 6 full teeth and a couple more are coming through. She loves giving kisses to baby dolls and "helping" her sisters play with their toys.