19 June 2012

Caroline: 6 months

This post is a little late, but better than never. Our girls still love being around each other and give us lots of laughs. Laney has started to say, "I know, I know," when she is sad about something. I guess I say it a lot when I am comforting her :)

Caroline is sitting up a lot longer at a time than last month and holds a bottle. She sleeps until 5:30 most mornings, but there is still the occasional 3 or 4. She's taking 3 naps and sometimes coordinates with Laney's two to give me some rest, too! (yes, laney still takes 2 naps. She asks for them, most of the time, and sleeps from 8pm to 8am.)

We're starting her on orange vegetables but still giving her cereal after feedings. It'll give her a nice "tan" for the summer.

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