24 March 2011

9 months

So, she's officially been in the real world as long as she was alive in me! She's so big now, long and still so adorable. We're not sure where she gets her height from, but we'll take it.

She can stand up really well when we prop her against toys and furniture. She is learning to pull up by herself.
She gets on all fours and rocks, but doesn't to any crawling. She just rolls onto her back and "asks" to get up.
We still love that smile! She gets "teased" or embarrassed when you make sounds that she is making. Lately, she's been clicking her tongue a lot and screeching when she's happy.


  1. How precious! Now is the time I wish we were close enough to see the changes! Love that baby girl!!

  2. Wow! She has changed SO much since we last saw her! 9 months is a really neat time. She's turning into a big girl right before our eyes!

    Thanks for updating us!
