13 December 2013

Some new stuff

It's not quite her four month mark, but Meredith has grown so much in the last two weeks. She sleeps through the night now, 7 to 7. She sits up in the bumbo for long periods of time, tries her danged-est to suck her thumb, even though we try to keep her paci in. We think Caroline gets sick so much because of sucking her thumb. Meredith cries loudly right away when she doesn't get what she wants, not a lot of the faint "I'm pitiful" cry anymore. She talks all the time and smiles even more. She spins on her back, I never know which way she'll be facing when I get her from the crib. 

Meredith prefers sitting up or help standing. Whenever I sing the song "good morning" that we heard on the radio growing up, she is very quiet and gives me smiles as she turns her head shyly away. 

I know the newborn days are gone now. I already miss rocking her little body, feeling her soft head on my cheek, and just the sweetness of the first few months. I am really excited to see her grow up, but I'm savoring every step.

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