17 January 2012

Caroline: 1 month

Funny face!

It's been super duper fun around our house since the middle of December... Family has been here the whole time (with the exception of a few days here and there), Caroline has learned the difference between night and day, Laney has started a whining yet very adorable phase, and much much more ;)
Caroline likes to sleep with her mouth open, but still keeps a tight focus on you while you hold her. She spits up a lot, at least compared to Laney. I don't remember Laney spitting up at all, actually. Caroline has found a "crying hour" around 8 pm, but has given us some peace with sleeping between 4 and 6 hours at a time during the night.

1 comment:

  1. Crying hour at 8--just following in her mother's footsteps! The only thing that soothed you was the theme music to M*A*S*H--should have recorded it to play over and over and over--it would have been easier to endure than your cries;-) But in spite of all that, I think you turned out very well; so the crying is NO indication of any future issues! Love you, would love to see you all!
