28 March 2016

James 1 year

James turning a whole year is such a big deal.  He is such a perfect piece of our family. The girls play with him, WITH him, and every time he walks (which is all the time, now), they squeal out to me, "Mom, he's such a big boy!" They love him and love helping with him.

Remember to click on the video to see the whole shot.

We are starting to have spring days, and I love it. The girls have one bike that they share, and its so precious. They are so sweet "helping" each other ride.

Laney in her Library class. They were building swings. The teacher sent pictures to the parents.

This is the waiting room at Dr. Haleo's office. She loves naming the stuffed animals while we wait.

Caroline, loves taking pictures.




James walks more than crawls, says Dada, Mama, Nighnigh, naynay (for when he wants to eat), and something for chickens that I have no idea how to spell.
We are going to try to start transitioning him to a cup and leaving the bottle behind, for the last time ever in my life! I'm so pumped about him being more independent. I'm even starting to research how to potty train boys! He's such a sweet little man, and I love every moment with him. But it's going to be really great when he can put food in his mouth by himself.

We bought Laney her first "tie shoes." She can't tie them yet, but she adores them.

One thing that comes with Spring for this West family are cookouts. This was a really fun one, and I happened to have my phone available to capture it.

It's a rare occasion that we get all four in the same place, looking at the camera at the same time.
Just sit and soak it in for a sec.

The two Kindergarten classes at Gaston Day performed "Three Piggy Opera." It was super cute. Laney was the best stick peddler that place has ever seen.

This is her best friend Amelia, who is in the other class.

Lincoln and Meredith being brave.

Meredith learned Eeny Meeny Miney Moe from Laney, who picked it up at school somehow. She adapted it and wants to play this game for a lot of things, especially choosing a pouch. "Eenty Meenty Minety Moe..."

We tooke Caroline and Laney to Charlotte to see The Little Mermaid ballet. It was so fun!

Party time!

St. Patrick's Day, or, as Laney called it, Leprechaun Day.

Who needs a sandbox when you can just have a pile of dirt? Then you don't have to keep telling the kids "keep the sand in the box." There is no box!

And this one makes me laugh out loud every time I watch

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