30 August 2012

Emerald Isle

We had a great time at the beach, and a lot of relaxing hours, even though it rained almost the whole time. Grandparents took the load off one afternoon and took Laney to the aquarium.

It was super loud since everyone had the same idea as we did... rainy day at the beach? Go to the aquarium!

The gracious family that lets us stay in their condo also has a grandchild, and let us borrow a sand wagon for trips to the beach. Caroline really was as excited as she looks to ride in it.

Laney loved the beach, but would say "ocean? I scared." She preferred playing in the sand.

Laney and Caroline loved Aunt Wilma. Laney started calling her Grandma on her own. She even asked me today where Grandma was and then asked to go to the beach.

The girls helping unload the dishes at the condo.

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