24 January 2012

Videos from Christmastime 2011

Caroline is crying in the background, since I'm holding her and the camera, but Laney just couldn't stop cracking up at her Daddy. It's so sweet.

Nana singing "Sweet Caroline," and Laney showing how much she loves it.

Laney is having a lot of fun with her new grocery cart from the Kiels. Thanks Uncle Jonathan and Aunt Corrie!

Leah brought Asher to see Laney... He cries a bit, but they play together well after he gets warmed up. It's about 3 minutes, so feel free to stop it short. I won't be offended :)

Papaw turned the TV to Gaither Homecoming and Laney started dancing to "When the Saints Go Marching In." So precious. I need to make sure Bro. Don sees this.

And finally, we have Laney making the cutest sound she knows. When you ask her what a bird says, she does this! My favorite

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