31 October 2011

Jack-o-lantern carving

Barak and I were visiting friends in the mountains this weekend, so his parents graciously decided to give us a more relaxing time than expected and watch Laney at home. After we got back, we carved a Jack-o-Lantern for the trick or treaters tomorrow.

She wanted to eat it, at first, but then liked just playing in it.

She wasn't sure what the big deal was about at first and lost interest...

...So she went to go help Daddy untangle a dog leash. Then she decided to come back to the pumpkin to see what all the fuss was about.

She thought it was spectacular. "Oooohhhh!" I think were her exact words.

These are unrelated to the carving, but I wanted to share them. Barak got them for me about a week ago. They are so perfect for fall. I love them, and I love him!

Caroline's VA shower

A few weeks ago, our family in Virginia threw a shower for Caroline. However, it was for all the family, not just the ladies, so Barak decided to call it the "Baby Party Thing." Or something like that. We asked for gift cards (just like we did at the Exodus shower) and got enough to buy the crib and mattress! Here are some pictures of family that showed up... it was a packed house.

This picture is one of my favorites. The shot isn't all that good, but the idea makes me smile. The cousins had so much fun that night. Almost all of them are boys. There was a bon fire, chili, hotdogs, smores, beautiful cupcakes, and a lot of running around in the dark. So much different than when we were growing up, playing with sisters and cousins (who were mostly girls).

Laney entertained us with "Heart and Soul."

Delane decorated the cupcakes to go with the theme I want in our nursery :) so sweet.

You can't tell it here, but Caleb really is one of her favorites.

07 October 2011

Rainy Day

This girl loves the outside... sunshine or rain.

A day at the park

Laney loved the slide. You can't see it in this video, but she would close her eyes like she was jumping in a pool.

The crying at the start of this one is not Laney. She really enjoyed the swings, too. We went to a park with some friends from church.