04 August 2010

a month and a half

Laney can follow you around with her eyes, and pays attention to some toys, but doesn't really "play" with them yet. She is super strong and holds her head up all by herself. When she pushes her legs against me, it's all I can do to resist her. She's eating a lot better, I don't have to supplement every time I feed her now, and, the BIG news...

she slept through the night! I took her to community group at the Lowe's last night from 7-9 and she stayed awake for the whole thing. Brian held her while we played catch phrase, but Cheryl held her most of the night. When we got home, I let her eat and she stayed awake for a few minutes, but I put her in her crib at 10 p.m. and didn't wake up until I heard her fussing in the monitor at 6 a.m.!!!! I got out of bed and asked if Barak had gotten up during the night to feed her, and he was just as surprised as I was.

I told her all morning how proud I was of her. Hopefully she's a pleaser like me and will make this a pattern.


  1. Wow! Amazing girl! And--you do realize she gets cuter and cuter every week!

  2. Way to go Laney!! Keep it up girl!
