01 May 2010

party cupcake

We went to a birthday party this afternoon, but left before the cake was served (and right after the life-sized Elmo made an appearance) so we stopped by Lowe's Foods and Barak bought me this! Yes, it was as good as it looks and he let me have it all to myself. I didn't have to share :)

Other fabulous things Barak has done for me recently:
- started "French Toast Friday"...self explanatory!
- asked me how my day was and also gave me great conversation about his
- made me the best lunch today - baked potato with ground chicken, taco sauce, melted cheese, and sour cream
- showed/faked excitement when our stroller/car seat came in the mail and brought it upstairs for me
- let me spend 2 hours online catching up with Flash Forward on Hulu just so I could spend another hour watching the April 29 episode in real time
- got me a Kashi frozen pizza for dinner
- walked around the neighborhood with me three times this week
- went with me happily to the previously mentioned birthday party - a party where he knew no one... it was my teaching partner's daughter's 1st birthday
- watered our flowers
- told me he loves me a million times

Basically, he's the best. My pregnancy has been great, partly because I haven't been sick or seem to have any of the annoying typical side effects, and partly (mostly) because he's been awesome and sensitive, and over the top with his affection.

1 comment:

  1. that cupcake looks like a party :)

    and hooray for your easy pregnancy! i kept waiting for mine to get tough and it never did. we must have good pregnancy genes. i felt like i paid for my easy pregnancy with my labor/delivery, so i'm praying you will have a super smooth delivery!!
