01 June 2009

nothing new

Since I only have one week left with students, my life kind of feels like it's going into coast - for a little bit, anyway.
So, I don't have huge ideas to share or ground breaking events shattering my existence.

mediocre happenings in the West household:
Barak and I are getting our puppy this Sunday. The picture is an updated one from the first post. We decided to call it Charlie. It has a little mustache like Charlie Chaplain. We might even call it Chuck when it gets older. Isn't he adorable? Yes, we think so, too.

Last weekend Barak and I joined a few other MC friends to celebrate Erica's marriage... again. She was married in December in Nicaragua, and now held her family's American ceremony in Virginia. It was beautiful. We even saw some old friends like Jimmy (as in gourd) and his wife and Byron and his family. I posted a picture of Byron dancing with one of his beautiful daughters. Dancing - wow, THAT hasn't happened in a long time for me. Warming up to some Jackson 5 and keepin it real with Love Shack brought back some crazy college memories of Leah showing us the "bomb" dance. I think I even pulled out some "ketchup" a time or two.

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