We've been working on our landscaping, and am reminded how much I love how beautiful summer is. Butterfly bushes, lantana, daisies, and random plants the girls picked out.
Laney's Mother's Day program. They did a play and a couple of songs from a Little Critter book.
We gave James his first hair cut. Basically, I held him as still as possible outside, and Barak used the electric razor on the "mullet" area.
One of our good friends' birthday party. The girls played games like musical chairs and bucket toss for the first time, and they played dress up. They had fun picking out the gift from their own toys and gave her a doll house with furniture.
The family had recently bought a puppy. Super fun. So cute.
Laney and Caroline both loved going to dance this year. Here are videos of the dress rehearsal.
Laney's last day of school Barak worked nights, and brought her a flower before he dropped her off.
He brought her an award medal when she got home. We are super proud of her and how much she has grown this year. She has worked harder than anyone I know.
Laney's end of year kindergarten program
James finally figured out how to feed himself finger food and hold a sippy cup.
Feeding the chickens marigolds.