17 December 2015

Caroline 4

We took the kids to Great Wolf Lodge for Caroline's birthday, it was magical.

On Caroline's actual birthday, her preschool had a Christmas program.


Our dentist's decorations were up when Laney went for a cleaning.

James 9 months

James is really into working out these days. He started crawling over Thanksgiving, and hasn't looked back. He's still a very happy baby and still enjoys every second he can get with his sisters. He still seems way heavier than Meredith when you carry him.

We tried to take a crazy "life" picture for our Christmas card, and everyone became surprisingly normal!

We finally did the dedication service for James, and it was very special to have Brian Lowe lead each one for all of our kids.

17 November 2015

James 8 months, Barak's birthday, and Halloween

James is called "Baby James" or "Jamesy" around here the most. He claps a lot, plays with toys, and has started rocking on all fours and lunging forward from a sitting position to a three-point table with his leg tucked behind him. He is the only one of our kids that pulls himself out of the bumbo seat. I basically used it as a high chair for the girls on the table top, but, James has to be on the floor if he's in it. He'll climb out every time.
He's a happy baby, still wakes up to eat around 4am some mornings, but pretty regular about his naps. He wakes up for the day around 7:30, naps around 10 for about an hour or two, then plays until around 3 when he'll take another hour nap. He goes to bed around 7:30.

We had a princess Halloween this year. Laney wanted to wear Aurora, Caroline wanted to wear Cinderella, and Meredith wanted to wear Sophia the first. I picked out an Ariel costume for Meredith instead, because it was super cute, and I didn't think she would really care. I was wrong. She liked her outfit, but climbed upstairs and got an old Sophia dress of Laney's to put on instead.
I also remembered how they don't really get "Who are you?" They understand more, "Which dress do you have on?"

Laney had a "Real Men Do Kindergarten" Day where all the dads go to class. This is the poster she made about Barak. It was pretty cute. The restaurant she said was beside the grocery store is El Patron (above). It really is his favorite.

Our Mud Room is coming together!

This is a picture of a framed picture outside of Laney's class. It's so sweet to see her whole class.

Barak's birthday was a success, because we had a cake. Laney picked it out. It had deer and hunting stuff on it. We did forget the balloons, but the girls didn't seem to mind much.

Caroline's class wrote what they were thankful for, and she picked Papaw. It was really sweet. There were a lot of "Mommy"s and a couple of "candy"s, one "dinosaur," and one "Papaw."

Laney's homework this week was to decorate a bear like a "Native American" Girl. I was super proud of her doing it all by herself, picking out the materials and everything.
She kept calling it  an American Girl doll. I hope it's a long time before she knows the difference!