(I uploaded the pictures from my phone,so you'll have to click on thepicture to see the whole image)
She follows intently with her eyes, and has even started laughing. Most nights she goes down around 7:30, eats around midnight and 4am, then wakes for the day around 8. She'll take a few naps, but really prefers being in the middle of the action.
I can see Barak in her more than I do in Laney and Caroline, and that makes me see how special and beautiful she is. She can hold her head up for a long time without help, and we're about ready to get out the bumbo.
This was right before bed/after baths, so crazy times. I love Meredith's smile in this one. She's so happy with her sisters.
Here are links to two videos. The second one is about three minutes long, you might want to get a snack ;)