20 October 2013

Meredith 2 months

We spent today at the Brownings. It went so smoothly, mainly because Mere was asleep the whole time. The girls love playing with "baby jack." 

When Meredith finally woke up after her 5 hour unprecedented nap, she was so sweet, smiling, cooing, but quickly asked for someone to full her belly.

"Baby mermif wake up in the mornin, aw, so cewt."

Meredith coos and smiles a lot, can hold her head up well, and likes her tummy time. She's sleeping in her crib but, unlike Laney, still wakes up once around 2am to eat. if you put a toy next o her, she'll swat or kick at it. L and C like to lay down on the play mat with her and she usually really likes the interaction. 
Meredith looks so happy in this picture. She's smiling at aunt Cassie. 

One of our favorite gifts is a monogrammed bunny that's as big as she is. Thank you, Cochrans!

I promise Matt and Barak were there, I just never had my camera ready when they were around

A little time

We were able to send Laney and Caroline to Nana and Papaw's this weekend, so I got some one on one time with Meredith! 
She's great during tummy time, and spins around like she's trying to go somewhere. 

She's just so big already, and isn't even 2 months. She wakes up once around 2am and then again for the day at around 6am. She eats really well, about 4 oz total during each awake time, but prefers to spread it out a couple if ounces at a time. 
She never fusses unless she's hungry, and has even started waking up cooing instead of crying.

17 October 2013


I can't figure out how to embed videos to the blog from my phone, so for now, I'll post links. Just click on them to see Meredith's first days home.

08 October 2013

Meredith comes home

I had forgotten how tiny newborns are; how they barely fit into the carseat.

Laney loved her from the beginning. She asked to hold her and gave her lots of kisses.

Once Caroline woke up from her nap, she welcomed Meredith just as happily. "Oh, baby Merdif so cute!"

Meredith is born

August 19 early morning Meredith came as easy as pie. She was a week early, and a little under the weight the doctors liked, so we had to keep her warm and fed.

We kept the birth certificate until the last day in the hospital, trying to decide on her sweet middle name... We were running out I girl options!

She had lots of visitors. Everyone agreed she looks similar to her sisters, but has her own special "look."