I love the memories I have of playing with our cousins. I remember thinking Meredith HAD to be the smartest girl in the world, and Christopher was the coolest guy I knew. Every one of the Parker kids made it fun to do anything, including picking weeds out of the garden. So that's what my expectations are for Samuel, Corrie. No pressure :) He totally lived up to expectations this time. Laney laughed out loud at him every time she saw him, especially when he would start talking. She couldn't get enough of him.
She's still the star of the show, cuddling up to anyone who wants to take her. She fell asleep in Leslie's lap AGAIN (she can work magic, I tell ya). And was a real crowd pleaser.
It was an abnormally beautiful day in the middle of February, so we walked around some familiar streets with shops and restaurants. We stopped in a bookstore and wheeled the kiddos around with Samuel saying "DOG! DOG!" the whole time. Barak did some hard core hanging out and reading; which, evidently are the same thing to some guys?
Barak and I were able to visit Bethany and JC with their new addition! Henry has an amazing story. We visited the day before his due date, but he was already 7 weeks old!
Thank you, Kiels, Davidsons, Mojicas, and Hodges(es?) for allowing this visit to be, by far, the best one we've had.