28 August 2015

Laney starts Kindergarten

Breakfast on the first day, she wanted juice and chocolate milk, and an english muffin - one side with peanut butter, one side with butter. She picked out the color shirt and skirt to wear, and was super excited. Everyday she asked if it was fall yet so she could "go to Kindergarten at Gaston Day School." Finally, it was time! 

I took this picture because she just looks so big. Her long legs and sweet little uniform, hair braided. It rained on the way to school, but it was clear when we walked her inside. Yes, all of us walked her in. She introduced us one by one to her teacher and then gave us all hugs and kisses and waved goodbye and walked in her class. She is so so brave.

She wanted to be silly for her "First Day" shot, and I let her. Meredith was "whooshing and zooming" right along with her. She has had an amazing time the first two weeks. It's like she was born for Kindergarten. She comes home everyday excited to tell us about Monty the Monkey, her room's mascot, or being a Bucket Filler, or how she saw her friends Kylie and Caroline at recess. Her teacher talks about how sympathetic she is towards other children and how helpful she is in general. Time at home has taken some adjustment, and I miss her a lot, but I have gotten a lot more intentional about the quality time I'm getting with the other three.

James 5 months

Meredith 2

Meredith is super awesome these days. She has a really large vocabulary, can count, knows the sounds all the letters make, and loves to color. She calls herself "meener" and Caroline is "Caka" She loves baby dolls still, and puzzles. She's getting into doll houses and has started playing with Laney and Caroline when they play barbies or princesses, and becoming a character.

She is pretty much potty trained - she did most of it by herself. We still use pull ups for public and night time, but during the day and naps she stays dry, for the most part. If I can remember to take her every 30 minutes, she will tell me if she needs to go in between.

That curly hair is still going strong, and she is full throttle every waking moment. She's still a cuddler, and asks to "hold you" like our parents told us we used to do.

08 August 2015

James 4 months

James sleeps through the night, 10-12 hours. He eats rice cereal and I plan on starting sweet potatoes in a week or two. He sits up really well in the bumbo. I put him in his swing (turned off) for naps to buckle him in and make sure his head doesn't go flat. He's not quite 11 lbs, but already in 6-9 mo. clothes. I do a combination of bottles, milk and formula, and nursing. 

Here is his second day of cereal, by Cassie's request. He's an old pro now.

Dancing to Rosie Thomas after church