28 June 2015

James 3 mo and Laney 5 whole years

Lots of fun things this month...
The girls loves to be James' mommy. They hold him and kiss him and talk to him constantly. He smiles bigger for them than he does for me.

Laney had a party at school, and was super proud to be 5 years old. She tells everyone she is going to kindergarten in the fall, and that she's going to Gaston Day School. She has been to the campus several times for a Princess Summer Camp and for a couple of ballet dances. 

Laney woke me up the other day, and said, "Mom, is it still summer?" (yes, sweet Laney) "Ok, Mom, fall comes after summer and that's when I go to kindergarten. Then winter comes after fall, and that's when it snows. Do you know what happens when it snows? (whispered excitement) It's Chrismaaas!"

James sleeps really well, only waking once a night now. He goes down around 8 and then wakes around 1am or 4am (not both anymore), then again at 7:30am. Laney comes downstairs and lets me know when he's awake in the morning. Isn't that nice of her? ;)

We listen to music a lot of times during lunch. Meredith always has a new dance for us. This is one of her more subdued sways. You can tell it's summer, no shirts! we had just come in from playing in the water, I think.

Laney didn't have to invite any friends to her at home party - she has enough people in her family to fill the whole place! Nana and Papaw took the girls on an adventure to walmart and got some pools for the party.

Cassie came over with Jack and Lucie. We love cousin time!

Wow - these videos are really out of order. This is one of Laney and Caroline playing train in James' room. They just had a bath and Meredith was already asleep in her room. I was feeding James and they just pulled out some bins and decided they were trains. These girls are so silly.

Back to Laney's party. Meredith got sick and was freezing the whole time, but cried a lot when we took her out of the water. We caved and let her have fun.

Thank you, Deedee, for the dresses! You are a magical seamstress.

Watching cartoons on Saturday morning with Baby James.

Laney asked me the other day if I remembered when we "got" Baby James at the hospital. Then she asked James if he remembered when we called him "Baby Jake." It was super cute.

02 June 2015

James 2 months

Reading books and getting ready for bed

Practice for graduation... Wizard of Oz theme

Visiting cousin Lincoln 

Summer outside playtime

First full family picture. Laney's preschool graduation