22 March 2014

Meredith 7 months

Meredith loves to play and laugh and sing... and now talk! Literally, the day after her 6 month checkup (which happened to be on her 7 month mark), she started saying dadada, mamama, nanana, etc... just a few consonants before the "ah" sound. I'm so proud of her! She also started shaking her head in a really funny way, too. Both are on the video.

This is Laney, being a tiger. I found her upstairs while Caroline was napping. She had accessorized herself in dress-up jewelry and found a green dry-erase (washable) marker to make stripes on her face.

This is her growling like a tiger :)

Linclon is 6 weeks old this week. We really enjoy going over there when we can, for a few minutes at a time, letting the girls "pet" him. Caroline says, "we have to be qwi-yet for baby winkin."

This glow worm was Laney's when she was a baby. It lights up and plays music to several songs, one of which is "Rock-a-bye Baby." Caroline calls this doll her "Bow Breaks." She also sings "tree-talk" instead of tree top.

Here is a video of the girls running in circles around the house. They do this for a good solid ten minutes at least once a day.

Here are a few pictures from this past weekend when mom and dad were here. They came Thursday and Friday, and Barak's parents were in town Friday through Sunday. Everyone had to share grandparents, but I think it worked out really well. 

We used the planting kit Mom got the girls on Monday. They've already started sprouting. The girls really get into anything that has to do with dirt, so this was a hit!