20 April 2012

good clean fun

I was cleaning the house a few days ago and had the vacuum out. Laney was "helping" me until I left her for literally 3 seconds. I found her sitting beside the vacuum, dust bin upside-down, covered in grey, saying "mmmmm (then smacking her lips)," with her hands in her mouth.

18 April 2012

Caroline: 4 months

I love dressing Caroline in Laney's old clothes. It's amazing how different they are becoming. I remember when Caroline was born, I thought they looked just alike. Caroline can sit upright in a bumbo, rolls from back to front, and prefers sitting and propping up. She has slept all night a few times, but not consistently. We love her! She still makes you feel like the best parent in the world when she smiles at you and laughs. Laney still loves on her all the time and enjoys making her laugh.

Caroline is rolling all the time these days.

She rolls a lot at night, and wakes herself up, then can't roll back, and cries, a lot. So much for that 11 hour night a few weeks ago!

15 April 2012

Easter in Mobile 2012

Laney loved "helping" push Caroline in the stroller. Caroline ended up with more hugs and kisses than strolling.

Laney's first easter egg hunt was a success! We used real boiled eggs, so she kept tripping over the basket since it was so heavy. But she was super cute.

She loved cuddling with DeeDee. This one was taken while Cat in the Hat was on.

Easter morning!

Resting with Papa.

04 April 2012

Videos of Laney

Laney opening her Easter package from Nana and Papaw

Laney playing with the bubbles

02 April 2012

I like to go to church...

Thanks, mom for the matching outfits. This was taken a couple of weeks ago. It was the first Sunday I took both girls to church by myself. Barak had to work 6-6, so I just braved it! I shot for about 30 minutes before I needed to be there, and everything worked out great! We even had time to take some pictures before we left. Laney was talking to Caroline in her car seat, "Heeeey, Baby!"

This is our backyard in the spring. One of the many reasons I love living in North Carolina. Dogwoods are some of my favorite, and we have plenty!