24 May 2011


bye-bye ... it's at the very end, the beginning of the video drags a little, but she's so cute when she waves!

11 months

She's so big now, it's getting easier to see her as a 1 year-old. She crawls around, walks a lot when supported by a person or a piece of furniture, and I'm convince is growing in her vocabulary.

Facial expressions are still her favorite to show.

And, what you've all been waiting for: Laney crawling!

11 May 2011

lots of changes

Laney has, in the past week, made some major jumps towards being a "toddler" and leaving her baby days behind. She crawls a lot now, and keeps us more aware of her while she's playing, since we have to stop her from fireplaces and computers and so on.

She loves her Daddy, and says his name a LOT more than she says mine. She smiles her huge smile every day when he comes home from work, and laughs more with him. I am a little jealous, but I get a lot more time with her. During the day.

One of her new tricks is going to a toy basket, laundry basket, anything that's full and neatly organized, just so she can pull everything out. I told her that wasn't nice and she should help me put it back, but she wasn't interested :)