14 February 2011


I thought for Valentine's Day I'd try some cute girly pink stuff for us to say, "Awww" over. My sweet mother-in-law was the one who suggested the tutu. Instead of only putting that on, like the photographer did (remember? that was NOT what I wanted), I gave her a white onesie and some pink leggings. She tried to eat the tutu the whole time. It was so precious, but I had to move quick, since I wasn't sure if the little hearts would come off and into her mouth.

This one is my favorite. Barak always says something about her ears, but I can't help but see those cute toes and big eyes. Today, as my facebook status says, was the first day she wore a bow. It's been impossible until now, since she pulls off head bands and has had no hair to hold anything with a clip. But now the fuzz is longer and supported the little pink thing quite nicely.

This one makes her look like a dancer, to me. I love it. It's my favorite I think. She was looking at these...
The beautiful tulips my sweet husband gave me! I LOVE them. When he gave them to me, they were closed up, and then, in only a few hours by the window, they magically opened! They make me so happy.

But she wanted to eat them, too. So I had to put them away during the photo shoot. They came back out during her nap and are now on the tv/coffee table by the front window. They still make me happy. Barak makes me happy. He's my valentine.